
conversation ~

ewahh ewahh ewahh ~
makin galak kau keluarkan kata2 semanis gula ekk kat aku.
tanpa rasa bersalah kau buat aku mcm nie kan ?
hadoiii ! geram lak kadangkadang bila kau buat cm tu.
tapi sabar jekk laa.

hey kamu~
hentikan laa perbuatan kamu ini. sakit aty laa oii !
menyampah membuak-buak kat kamu taw tak ?
saya tak suka benci orang tapi kamu paksa saya buat demikian.

why when i wanna delete &&& remove you from mylife you'll come back ?
is it true you don't like to see i'm happy even without you huh ?
please please please don't do like this to me
i can be crazy like a hell you know ?
now u've your own life right, u're happy right ?
so why don't you just let me go.
don't suffer me like this please , i'm begging you ~
&&& why you should mad and sad when i wanna being with someone ?

i've a conversation to make, which is;
i don't believe on you anymore &&& on you dirty words !
sorryy sorryy sorryy ~
just make our relation as a memories.
&&& i'll do the same.
we can be friends but not as close like before
hope you can understand the reason why i'm taking this step.
btw i just wanna say thank you coz done all this to me.

p/s:: please release me from this situation. i can't stand it anymore :(

0 lolipop (s):