
+_hErE wE cOmE, MORIB_+

+_hErE wE cOmE, MORIB_+

nOw., iZ timE tO uS dO a chArity wOrk., sOunD gOoD riGht.,? wE wEnt thErE oN 28 juLy., wE dO thiS cHaRity wOrk uNdEr ciVicS sUbjEct., wE hAvE tO cLeAn uP thE pLaCe., piCk uP aLL thE rUbBisH aLoNg thE cOaSt., i eNjOyEd to do thE wOrk., aftEr wE hAd piCkiNg aLL thE rUbBisH, oUr ciViCs tEacHer wAnt tO pLay a gAme., thE gAme iZ tO buiLt sAnd cAstLe., yEAh!, it iZ cOoL.,! i eNjoyEd pLay thE gAme., wE bUiLt sUch a bEutiFuL sAnd cAstLe., evEntOugH thE timE tO wE spEnd thErE iZ tOo sHort, bUt i rEaLLy enjOyEd iT., ;)

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