
The beginning of April

Part One :

bipp bipp *bunyi mesej*

HN, " Kite putus "
NP, " What ? Why ? "
HN, " Suka hati saya laa "
NP, " It is a joke or you really meant it ? "
NP, " Nice treat babe "

APRIL FOOL, it is so ridiculous guys ! Tapi aku sungguh berbangga dengan diri aku kerana sidia tak dapat kenakan aku. HAHAHA. Kebal kan aku ? Weeerrrkkkkk ;P You, please try again for next year (:

Part Two :

Went to Times Square
Having a lunch at McD Sungei Wang
Played bowling. Heyy, I won ! HAHAHA. Seronok bangat ! (:
Played archery. Okayy, he won it. Like he said, " Macam Robbin Hood kan ? "
Ate Subway
Went back

P/s : " I am so happy spent a day with you. " (:

0 lolipop (s):