There are a hand that will hold me when I am fall
There are an ear that will hear my problems
There are a mouth that will give a great advice for me
There are an arm that will hug me when I am really sad
I am nothing without you !
Thanks a lot to my beloved friends
because always by my side when I need some one to talk about
because never let me down
because trying as hard as they can to cheer me up
What's really make me shocked was the one that I loved before will came back
you always there when I am in a bad mood
Maybe it just 'KEBETULAN'
just go on with your life okayy, never put any hopes for us to be in love again
I am sure that you will get a better girl than me
thanks for everything, thanks for keep trying
but I am so sorry, I can't make your dreams come true
The one that are meant everything for me is my beloved family !
they are always being the best for me in my life
Always have a great plan for keep the strength of the family
what else I can say about my family ?
Each one of them are superb !

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